Friday, February 11, 2011

VA goes to the rest home

VA met me at my Mom's apartment yesterday, complete with a batch of home-made oatmeal cookies tucked into her back pocket.  We rode home in the sunshine via 143rd and Old GT.  Perfect day.  Thank you, Vrai Mére!*
Next time we will stage this photo better - Mom with a bike, VA with the walker!
*VA's daughter is livng with a host family in France.


  1. Sometimes I feel like I need a walker when I try to follow Badger up a hill! Figured out where Sue got her cycling chops: Helen had a great bike in her youth and there are photos to prove it! Thanks for the warm welcome, Helen. I'll be back!

  2. Ha! Vrai Mére; Your own daughter made a 'Craig-like' comment in a recent email to me and said "but Sue, where was YOUR bike?" Great minds think alike. (Craig asked why I wasn't wearing MY bike kit). By the way, my mom is out of cookies.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. made some new cookies: cappuccino--will have to get them out to your mom... (recipe courtesy of davey!)

  5. Badger--you need an update! Love the header for this post: va goes to rest home. My kids will be publishing the same update in a few years. Glad to hear the surgery went well, Helen! Keep on rolling one way or another...

  6. Yeah, my blog is boring. Glad we have Davey's to keep us entertained!
