I rode by our neighbor's house and had to do a double take. They put some very realistic decoys on their front lawn for April Fool's day.
Yesterday was a different story. 58 degrees, sun and mixed rain. I rode with a young guy who is is training for a tri. He wore shorts, a short sleeved jersey and NO gloves.
I started road biking in 2006 with a group of biker chicks who are not girly-girl riders. After riding the Tour de Blast on Mt. St. Helens a couple of years ago, our friend Bob (an Eddy Merckx aficionado) called me Badger for some unknown reason. Maybe I caught up with him once. My friend VA picked up on that and has called me Badger ever since, which I find slightly amusing at my age. I am no Bernard Hinault.
I'm jealous! April 1 it snowed here!