53rd Drive gnome house |
VA and I managed to get some good rides in this week, including the MAC Wednesday ride out Terwilliger to River View Cemetery. The pavement was covered with leaves and we couldn't enjoy the usual fun descent on the marked bike lane through the cemetery down to Macadam. In addition we were honked at by an irate minivan driver for not using the bike lane on Terwilliger made dangerously un-rideable by fallen leaves. Catching up to her at a stop light I managed to 'converse' with her about the fact that honking does not help, nor was she going to get to her destination much quicker.
On a good note, Craig's x-ray this week shows healing and he is back biking. Well, sort of. He's been going to spin classes in the morning and today we put on all our rain gear and winter clothes, strapped the fenders on and rode about a mile before turning around. 44 degrees, looking through lenses made opaque by a cold mist, we decided that this was not a good day for a first ride status post clavicle fracture. Allan and VA, however, are out riding with Velo this morning. Nothing stops them.
Once again,
Cycling Tips has some pretty good posts. Posted this week is a pretty good
Cycles of Life, created by a high school kid from Christchurch for his media class.